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JUMPSTART EX Appetite Suppressant Weight Loss Supplement (30 Capsules)



Be at Your Best!

JUMPSTART EX is a natural, premium quality nootropic CNS energy stimulant supplement with mood enhancers scientifically-designed to support peak physical and mental performance and a positive disposition to help you be at your best. This remarkable vitality supplement has ingredients to increase metabolism, help cells burn energy more efficiently, reduce appetite, enhance focus, and promote an improved mood.

It’s quick, convenient, and highly effective — the absolute best natural way to get fully energized, focused, enthusiastic, and in a flow state. This is smart nutrition at its most advanced.

The unique JUMPSTART EX formula helps maximize energy function in three areas.


1. ENERGY & FOCUS: It contains a precise balance of stimulants to enhance energy production more evenly over time without jitteriness, increasing focus and attentiveness, and helping the body convert stored fat into energy more efficiently.

2. MOOD: It has ingredients that help promote the production of the “feel-good” neurotransmitters in the brain like serotonin and dopamine that are responsible for feelings of well being and for mental focus and concentration.

3. SUPPORT: Most importantly, it has a complex of synergistic co-factors of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and antioxidants that not only enhance the effects of the supplement and provide critical support to the body, they also promote homeostasis and reduce sensitivity to physical stress.

JUMPSTART EX is simply a better way to be at your best.

Advanced nutritionists are impressed by the complex right away. It will not overwhelm your body with harmfully excessive doses of stimulants like most other pedestrian energy pills, drinks, shots and supplements, but is intelligently and precisely engineered to give you a balanced, controlled, even boost to body, mind and to your spirits.

It will help to get you operating at peak performance levels for hours without negative effects or nervousness, and without calories, artificial ingredients or preservatives.

We guarantee you’ll love JUMPSTART EX and your body will too.


What to expect from the unique JUMPSTART effect:

    • Increased energy boost in correct balance;
    • Sharpened focus and concentration;
    • Enhanced stamina and performance;
    • Heightened sense of satisfaction and emotional well-being ;
    • Increased ATP production;
    • Stimulated carbohydrate conversion into energy;
    • Increased oxygen utilization.

You will notice the energy formula’s difference as soon as you take it and your energy andspirits start to soar and that trademark JUMPSTART EX smile (now famous thanks to Cameron Diaz!) spreads over you.

Ashton Kutcher gives Cameron Diaz JUMPSTART EX Energy pills
JUMPSTART EX Featured in ‘What Happens in Vegas
with Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz.

“I read all the feedback and thought: ‘yeah, right!’ I decided though to give a try as too many people talked about it so positive. I know it sounds cliche to write all these but honestly, truly and genuinely I have found JUMPSTART EX working wonders. I don’t feel tiredness at all and I sleep through the night really well. Simply, it is a fantastic product worth every penny and anyone who is a bit hesitant, please don’t be, you will be amazed how it will influence on your daily life in a very, very positive way.”
Dea R. – Kettering, UK

(Note: results will vary from person to person.)

Energy Pill Supplement

Give JUMPSTART EX a try and experience nutrition that will help your body to optimal vitality, focus, and positivity, and help you to be your best.

The JUMPSTART EX energy supplement is superior to anything like it.



These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The FDA does not evaluate or test herbs. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Consult with your care provider before beginning use. Use as per instructions and as with any supplement, always watch for any allergic reactions.


What’s in
JUMPSTART EX Energy Mood Stimulant
that makes it so effective?

The formula works in three distinct, complementary areas.

The first area is the energy component. We have combined a specific amount of anhydrous caffeine with guarana and kola nut that have tannins and polyphenols attached to the caffeine molecules which result in less stomach irritation and slower absorption rates. Ginseng and Acetyl-L-Carnitine combine with key vitamins and minerals to optimize cellular energy function.

The second area are the mood effectors which promote the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that improve disposition and feelings of pleasure. Our proprietary blend of L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, DL-Phenylalanine and rhodiola ingredients have clinically proven positive effects on mood and focus. Research and testing shows that this unique blend has beneficial countereffects on depressive states, helping to rejuvenate your mind and spirit with feelings of enthusiasm, focus, and mental well-being.

The final area of effect is to provide support to the body as it is being energized. JUMPSTART EX incorporates key B vitamins, magnesium, antioxidants like vitamin C and kola nut, and adaptogens like rhodiola, ginseng and schizandra which promote homeostasis and reduce sensitivity to stress. This allows this remarkable energy support formulation to have a broad ranging benefit to your vitality and mentality while minimizing any stress on your system in the process.

The JUMPSTART EX energy pill is a true smart formula (nootropic), crafted to be different, to be safer, and to intelligently address the best way of boosting energy. This energy supplement will give you a boost without the downsides of extra sugar calories, artificial colors or preservatives, excessive stress to the system, crashes or side-effects. We have done all the research to make sure this is the healthiest, smartest, most effective way to get a pick-me-up in both body and mind.

Here’s what’s in it:

Energy Boosting Ingredients ENERGY COMPONENT:

Guarana is a South American berry that contains very high concentrations of caffeine (guaranine) and is used as a stimulant and appetite suppressant. For thousands of years, natives of the Amazon used the seed extract to help maintain stamina and physical endurance. Traditionally it was also used to assist in the relief of various ailments such as stress and nervous tension, weight control, headaches and hangovers. It is believed that due to the tannins and polyphenols attached to the caffeine molecule in its structure, it absorbs slower and causes less stomach irritation than caffeine from coffee. One study in 2006 at the University of Northumbria, showed evidence that guarana positively effected focus, memory and mood / disposition.

Kola Nut, also containing caffeine, indicates a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Kola nut is unique in its combination of tannins and antioxidants, which like guarana, cause caffeine to absorb more slowly over time, minimizing stress and stomach irritation.

Anhydrous Caffeine has proven in studies to have a positive effect on mood, endurance, performance, and focus.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero) has been used for centuries to help enhance sexual and athletic performance as well as boost the immune system. This herb was hailed last century as an “adaptogenic” (stress-protective) marvel. In a study of 36 children ranging in age from 3 to 17 years old, Ginseng was administered twice a day on an empty stomach for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, more than 70 percent of patients had experienced improvement in energy levels and on a widely used measure of attention problem symptoms (Lyon MR et al 2001).

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) is an amino acid that supplies energy resources to mitochondria and is used to turn fat into energy. Although the body produces enough of its own ALC, supplementation improves the ability of certain tissues to produce energy, and has been shown in clinical studies to benefit cognitive ability, memory and mood.

Mood Boosting Ingredients MOOD COMPONENT:

DL-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found in common protein foods. With the help of essential cofactors (such as pyridoxine, a form of vitamin B6, which is used with B12 to activate many of the critical ingredients), the body transforms phenylalanine in a series of steps into the amino acid tyrosine and then into the important neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline. A 1985 study found that DLPA improved the mood and mood stability of subjects with attention deficit disorder, and claimed that phenylalanine can increase mental alertness (Grevet et al. 2002.)

L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid synthesized in the body from phenylalanine. It is an important nutritional ingredient and factor for biosynthesis of the brain neurotransmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine (key to positive mood.) By promoting the production of “feel-good” chemicals in the brain, tyrosine is very beneficial to improving mood and disposition.

Tyrosine is also used to produce one of the major hormones, thyroxin, which plays an important role in controlling metabolic rate, skin health, mental health, and growth rate. Tyrosine has been tested on humans for increasing their endurance to anxiety and stress under fatigue. It was proven in research studies that tyrosine supplementation results in increased performance over a control group (Avraham et al. 2001).

L-Theanine, derived from green tea, is an amino acid that has a direct influence on brain activity, such as balancing, focusing, and reducing stress, increasing production of neurotransmitters, and effecting glutamate levels. At higher doses, it has the ability to relax the mind without causing drowsiness. Research has shown that L-theanine counteracts the jittery, speed-like effects of caffeine without reducing its mind-energizing, or fat-burning features. It is particularly helpful when combined with caffeine in supplements for this ability to balance “cellular nervousness.”

L-theanine’s benefits on mood are now well-accepted and it has actually been patented as a mood enhancer. (US Patent Application 20040171624; Japanese Patent Application 2001-253740.) Furthermore, stress hormones, common in our modern day life, cause imbalances in brain chemistry that disrupt production of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and other key brain chemicals. Drugs that suppress these stress hormones (glucocorticoids) are used as treatments for depression. However, research is showing that people who are depressed also have glutamate levels that are out of balance. Preliminary studies suggest that glutamate antagonists like L-theanine, which block certain signals in the brain activated by glutamate, may be as effective as antidepressants (Functional antagonists at the NMDA receptor complex exhibit antidepressant actions. Eur J Pharmacol. 1990 Aug 21;185(1):1-10.)

A handful of studies have also looked at the combination of L-theanine and caffeine on various aspects of cognition and mood (eg, alertness, attention.) For instance, one study compared the effect of caffeine with and without L-theanine on cognition and mood in 27 participants. Researchers gave participants placebo, caffeine, or caffeine plus L-theanine and measured their performance on several cognitive tests at baseline and then at 60 and 90 minutes after treatment. They found that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine improved speed and accuracy in an attention-switching task, as well as reduced the likelihood of distraction during a memory task. JUMPSTART EX takes advantage of this research as part of its remarkable formulation.

One study measured alpha activity in the brain, which plays an important role in attention. Thirty-five participants were given either 50 mg of L-theanine or placebo. Electroencephalogram (EEG) tests were done at baseline and then at specified times afterwards (45, 60, 75, 90, and 105 minutes). Researchers found that there was a greater increase in alpha activity in those who took L-theanine compared to placebo, demonstrating that the amino acid had an effect on the participants’ general state of mental alertness and arousal.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine, as mentioned above, also influences mood. Several studies have researched carnitines role in affecting mood. One double-blind study of 60 seniors with mild depression found that treatment with ALC daily over a 2-month period significantly improved symptoms as compared to placebo.

DMAE, dimethylaminoethanol, is exceptionally beneficial in helping increase the brain’s ability to produce neurotransmitters. Also referred to as a “cholinergic” (similar to choline), DMAE increases the levels of the acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain that regulates mental function. Results in clinical studies have shown that DMAE positively benefits focus and mental clarity as well as mood. One German sudy reported that “DMAE can be interpreted to induce a psychophysiological state of better feeling of wellbeing on both levels of analysis mood and electrical pattern of brain activity in subjects suffering from borderline emotional disturbance.”

Health Boosting Ingredients SUPPORT COMPONENT:

Magnesium, Vitamin B3, B6, B12, C are all critically involved in numerous functions in the body including being direct effectors of cognitive function. A recent laboratory study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reveals that an adequate amount of magnesium is necessary to maintain the “plasticity” of synapses – the connectors that move information from neuron to neuron in the brain. When synapses are flexible to change, learning and memory are enhanced. Magnesium is involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions. Other conditions that have been associated with a magnesium deficiency include depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorder. Research suggest low levels of magnesium are associated with attention problems (Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neurology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Oct 2000.) In fact, magnesium has been called the ‘miracle nutrient’ by some for its many valuable benefits.

Vitamin B in its various forms has many functions in the body, including assisting in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and forming myelin, which protect nerves. At least three studies have demonstrated that the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 improved behavior, decreased anxiety and aggression, and improved mobility among subjects with focus problems (Nogovitsina Mousain-Bosc M et al 2004).

Rhodiola Rosea is an excellent adaptogen which helps supports the adrenal glands, working with the body to reduce stress while boosting energy, balancing the stimulants so as to not overtax the system. One particularly interesting aspect of rhodiola is that it appears to work differently within the body than other adaptogens — the best known of which is the very popular herb Siberian ginseng. Rhodiola’s unique mechanism of action excites researchers because it means this herb may be able to provide a therapeutic alternative to established adaptogens.

Schizandra (Schizandra chinensis) of the family Schizandraceae, is a creeping vine with small red berries that is native to Northern China. As a traditional medicinal herb, Schizandra, called Wu-wei-tzu in China, has been used as a tonic for the treatment of chronic fatigue. Studies conducted on schizandra’s effects have noted that the herb has a stimulating effect in low doses (Pharmacological studies on Schizandra fruit. I. General pharmacological effects of gomisin A and schizandrin (author transl). Maeda S, Sudo K, Aburada M, Ikeya Y, Taguchi H, Yoshioka I, Harada M.)

American Sweet Flag both helps energy production and also to prevent or minimize nervousness or jitteriness in the stomach, possibly by lowering the production of stomach bile.

Siberian Ginseng as mentioned above, has positive benefits as a boost to the immune system and has been hailed as an “adaptogenic” (stress-protective) marvel. In 1991 the German Commission E (the European authority on the use of plants in healing) made it official by declaring that it was highly effective in boosting the immune system.

Bioperine is an effector of other ingredients. It is known to have enhancing and synergizing properties and when used in a mix of ingredients, increases the interacting potency of each.


As a synergistic blend, JUMPSTART EX is a remarkable energy support formulation. Just one dose and you’ll feel fully charged and ready to be your best. We believe it’s the healthiest and the most effective energy product you’ll ever use.

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